Circuit improvements and a new aesthetic have been introduced for this lucky digital-plus-power couple. |
| 29.01.2018 |
I love Manley’s amplifications and this preamp has rekindled the passion. I think that the Shrimp is one of the best preamplifiers I have ever listened.
| 26.07.2016 |
From the people of Lake Constance, one of the luckiest and successful preamp and headphones amp. Made to last and make play. |
| 19.05.2016 |
A budget passive preamp can be made and play in High-End systems? The question here is intentionally rhetorical... |
| 15.02.2016 |
A headphone amp that goes beyond its purposes, provided with one of the more innovative circuitries made for the vacuum tubes: is this a High-End revolution? |
| 04.01.2016 |
Second listening part of one of the smartest DACs available on the market, here tested in the Windows environment. |
| 26.10.2015 |
A brand where rigor and composure are the way to make the musical scene bodied and pleasant. A warranty for over thirty years. |
| 03.07.2015 |
A crucial component. Old and new together. Many potentialities still to discover. |
| 30.06.2015 |
The test has strengthen my firm believes about the correct setting of the electrical parameters. Furthermore, the tone qualities and the versatility of the device have made me progress towards a classy playback. |
| 10.11.2014 |
Very big sound, very small expense. It is hard getting more also with more, much more money. ReMusic has tracked down in Max Micelli by Audiosophia an authentic High-End guru... |
| 16.04.2014 |
Envy is a bad emotion. This is why one of ReMusic’s editors in chief wants to say something about this amazing apparatus... |
| 08.04.2014 |
Only the bad designed tube devices are slow and sugary. The Estro Armonico Bellaluce phono preamp offers performances whose dynamic contrast and impulse velocity can’t be offered by the solid state. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 24.03.2014 |
Honestly, I can’t find on the market any other amplifier at the same price that performs better than the Kueyen, I really can’t. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 17.03.2014 |
The impedance on the headphone output is automatically changeable, the outputs are balanced and it's equipped with a remote control: with only three aspects a must-see device for its price range. |
| 15.01.2014 |
It is also a headphone amplifier: so many chances! Some old enthusiasts can think that single devices for every single function are preferable. But, after the listening sessions... |
| 17.09.2013 |
A "litte & great" Chinese preamplifier at a budget price, suitable of bi-amplification and with a good headphone output. You can get everything with tubes, rather with one tube only. |
| 11.03.2013 |
I want to draw the enthusiasts’ attention on a type of devices that, unfortunately, are not widespread among the most demanding audiophiles as they should be. |
| 24.10.2012 |
Only a designer fond of music will make an involving object with great performances. After all Music is emotion, isn’t it? And the Leben preamp? The passion is there, just in front of you. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 15.10.2012 |
Unlike the ninety percent of the devices, this preamp does not have an attenuator as a volume control, since it causes the deteriorating of the input signal with losses in dynamics and detail. |
| 21.09.2012 |
Noise reduction is a golden point of this machine. What immediately follows is an innate aptitude in taking out the details, even the more hidden, and the micro nuances, at the boundaries of the subsonic. |
| 07.09.2012 |
Second Chapter of the Onix saga. A product that, in its look and essence, confirms the initial considerations in terms of elegance and good manufacture. |
| 25.03.2012 |
The phono preamplifier is the most important object in the analogue chain and, with a cost of little more than one thousand euro, the Bakoon EQA-11 has few competitors indeed. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 14.01.2012 |
The passive preamplifier is a very simple and functional machine that pays serious attention to the quality of the single component present along the signal path: the potentiometer. |
| 01.12.2011 |
Leben follows an alternative path that aims to a target of musical research instead of looking for an exclusive circuital choice or a particular passive component. A research that is not standardized in a modern audiophile world where everything seems to perform in a uniform or at least alike way. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 27.10.2011 |
If you want to catch the nuances and the outstanding parameters, such as the harmonic rendering, the correctness of the tone, the reconstruction of the musical soundstage, maybe a transformer preamplifier could be the panacea and, in the case of the Zanden Model 3000, the end of all games. You cannot just start all over again! |
| 28.06.2011 |