A change of pace towards the future of audio amplification. |
| 28.02.2024 |
Myths and realities of the most beloved and controversial class of audio amplification. |
| 14.02.2024 |
A truly Italian class A, or when class is not nuts. |
| 13.02.2024 |
EUROPEAN PREMIERE | Alberto Guerra strikes one more time. |
| 13.01.2020 |
EUROPEAN PREMIERE | The sound beyond the Class-D. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 06.05.2019 |
Efficient and unobtrusive, small but bold: a class-D delight. |
| 20.11.2018 |
I again want to praise KingSound on the quality, ergonomics, and beauty of its products |
| 20.07.2018 |
A dedicated discussion of these two designs could prove both interesting and educative. |
| 09.03.2018 |
Circuit improvements and a new aesthetic have been introduced for this lucky digital-plus-power couple. |
| 29.01.2018 |
In a period where the programmed obsolescence seems an ineluctable necessity, it is nice to bump into an amplifier that has been resisting for almost ten years in the catalogue of its manufacturer. |
| 28.07.2016 |
I love Manley’s amplifications and this preamp has rekindled the passion. I think that the Shrimp is one of the best preamplifiers I have ever listened.
| 26.07.2016 |
Two-way headphones with Heil tweeter: oBravo is not short on technology nor ambition. |
| 20.06.2016 |
A very well made amplifier that plays wonderfully: a great exercise of style. |
| 01.06.2016 |
Finally, a deep listening test of an amp with the EL34 tubes. With this apparatus, Mauro Scarabotti by AAAVT has largely confirmed my expectations. |
| 27.05.2016 |
From the people of Lake Constance, one of the luckiest and successful preamp and headphones amp. Made to last and make play. |
| 19.05.2016 |
About 90 kilos for 150 watts pure class A: a sounding monument capable of absolute performances. |
| 08.04.2016 |
Exuberant, tuneful, clean, harmonious, pleasant and defined but never fatiguing: simply well suited. We want to add that, with the OTL KingSound, you can drive other electrostatic headphones too… |
| 29.02.2016 |
A budget passive preamp can be made and play in High-End systems? The question here is intentionally rhetorical... |
| 15.02.2016 |
Expensive and elegant partners as well as refined and mature: the Stax SR-507 headphones and the Stax SRM-727II headphone amplifier are a great match. |
| 10.02.2016 |
A warm device, never fatiguing, always pleasant, fulfilling and bodied. A charming interpretation of the Italian brand and against the tide that privileges the current trend of “analysts at all costs”. |
| 21.01.2016 |
A headphone amp that goes beyond its purposes, provided with one of the more innovative circuitries made for the vacuum tubes: is this a High-End revolution? |
| 04.01.2016 |
Complete, versatile and modern: one of the best preamp I have ever tested so far. |
| 23.11.2015 |
Speaking of the past, I preferred the solid state. Speaking about now, I consider more interesting what you can achieve with the tube amplifiers. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 02.11.2015 |
Second listening part of one of the smartest DACs available on the market, here tested in the Windows environment. |
| 26.10.2015 |
A rigorous and titled device suitable to become the core of a modern Hi-Fi system where the ultimate target is the headphone listening. |
| 23.10.2015 |
A brand where rigor and composure are the way to make the musical scene bodied and pleasant. A warranty for over thirty years. |
| 03.07.2015 |
A crucial component. Old and new together. Many potentialities still to discover. |
| 30.06.2015 |
I am currently moving towards moderate price devices, but with great sound. An itinerary that someone calls a downgrade. |
| 01.06.2015 |
The advantages of the class-A are undeniable. The power of an amplifier is not all, indeed! And there is another extreme, absolutely not secondary… |
| 29.04.2015 |
I will be forgiven by who, reasonably, will consider the term esoteric very overused in our field, but for this solid German integrated amp, I just have to use it... |
| 07.04.2015 |
No matter whether clangorous or delicate, music is never compressed or boxed, but airy without defined limits. It flows fresh and liquid like a source and wraps the listener without assailing him. |
| 09.12.2014 |
The test has strengthen my firm believes about the correct setting of the electrical parameters. Furthermore, the tone qualities and the versatility of the device have made me progress towards a classy playback. |
| 10.11.2014 |
Beautiful, lightweight, ergonomic, well performing at an affordable price: KingSound KS-H2 headphones and the partner M-10 amplifier for a best-buy product. |
| 01.08.2014 |
If you like ambience, velocity, dynamics, refinement, you can find here what you are looking for and, if you own balanced equipment, something else too. |
| 11.06.2014 |
If you are looking for a transistor amplification really able to drive high efficiency loudspeakers there is not a big choice, nonetheless this Sudgen is one of the few certainties. |
| 03.06.2014 |
The powerful and versatile Neo-Classic 500 monoblocks are the emblem of the mythic Californian Company. |
| 05.05.2014 |
Very big sound, very small expense. It is hard getting more also with more, much more money. ReMusic has tracked down in Max Micelli by Audiosophia an authentic High-End guru... |
| 16.04.2014 |
Envy is a bad emotion. This is why one of ReMusic’s editors in chief wants to say something about this amazing apparatus... |
| 08.04.2014 |
A device for all musical genres, also for rock or percussive music normally considered not suitable to tube amps. |
| 04.04.2014 |
Only the bad designed tube devices are slow and sugary. The Estro Armonico Bellaluce phono preamp offers performances whose dynamic contrast and impulse velocity can’t be offered by the solid state. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 24.03.2014 |
Honestly, I can’t find on the market any other amplifier at the same price that performs better than the Kueyen, I really can’t. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 17.03.2014 |
On trail a solid state of rare elegance. And also a first contribution from a new collaborator. The article, not the power amp we're talking about... |
| 04.03.2014 |
Although Sugden's production has never dealt with supports dedicated to vinyl records, today it seems to aim also to this target. |
| 06.02.2014 |
The impedance on the headphone output is automatically changeable, the outputs are balanced and it's equipped with a remote control: with only three aspects a must-see device for its price range. |
| 15.01.2014 |
It hasn't been that simple writing this article because I was swept by listening instead of analyzing. After a very short run-in I'm emotionally involved. |
| 11.12.2013 |
Four typologies of tube integrated amplifiers in one device only: a listening experience that worth its price. |
| 02.12.2013 |
A powerful but refined tube amplifier to enjoy all kind of music. |
| 22.10.2013 |
It is also a headphone amplifier: so many chances! Some old enthusiasts can think that single devices for every single function are preferable. But, after the listening sessions... |
| 17.09.2013 |
A full optional single ended transistor integrated amp – phono stage excluded – that inserts itself in a very hard-fought category and level: the new reference products of the Middleweight market. |
| 20.05.2013 |
I have never thought to test an object that represents a solid bridge between the analogue and the digital world. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 07.05.2013 |
A "litte & great" Chinese preamplifier at a budget price, suitable of bi-amplification and with a good headphone output. You can get everything with tubes, rather with one tube only. |
| 11.03.2013 |
An 80 watts integrated amplifier that includes, as common use for the noteworthy amplifiers, an internal digital converter in addition to a MM phono stage of great value. |
| 28.01.2013 |
If it is true that when you are about to review a blazoned, hence very expensive apparatus, you are in apprehension, with this power amp I feel completely at ease... |
| 22.01.2013 |
One of the stereo amplifications with more watts: beyond 500 into 4 ohms and capable, on paper, to drive any loudspeaker in whatever domestic environment. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 07.01.2013 |
DAC, headphone amplifier and speaker into a small cube of six centimeters. To bring someone closer to a first musical listening nothing comes to my mind that could be easier, accessible and performing than this portable system. |
| 12.12.2012 |
An amplifier not too expensive, powerful, well made at a first sight, Italian. My enthusiasm is because the object typology falls at 100% within my current hi-fi vision. |
| 07.12.2012 |
A compact integrated amplifier, designed to target the users of streaming music, worthy and advanced exponent of the recent progeny of class-D amps. |
| 03.12.2012 |
I want to draw the enthusiasts’ attention on a type of devices that, unfortunately, are not widespread among the most demanding audiophiles as they should be. |
| 24.10.2012 |
The Symphonic Line power amp is phenomenal. The lower is the efficiency of the drivers, the more it feels at ease. Hard and pure at the performances, esoteric and involving at the listening. |
| 17.10.2012 |
Only a designer fond of music will make an involving object with great performances. After all Music is emotion, isn’t it? And the Leben preamp? The passion is there, just in front of you. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 15.10.2012 |
Unlike the ninety percent of the devices, this preamp does not have an attenuator as a volume control, since it causes the deteriorating of the input signal with losses in dynamics and detail. |
| 21.09.2012 |
Noise reduction is a golden point of this machine. What immediately follows is an innate aptitude in taking out the details, even the more hidden, and the micro nuances, at the boundaries of the subsonic. |
| 07.09.2012 |
The Italian EAM Lab is a great union of ideas and elegance, attested by the mighty brand new HA 300 power amp, anticipated only by its well-known big brother HA 600. |
| 15.07.2012 |
Innovative circuitry, soon with an international patent, for a musicality that joins the best of the tubes with the best of the solid-state amps. With these amazing credentials, BFA Tulip introduces itself beyond the frontiers of the common audio circuits. |
| 05.06.2012 |
A superior quality in manufacture and musical refinement for a monotriode made around a tube that is unique in the world and comes from a brand that has shaped the history of the tube productions worldwide. |
| 18.04.2012 |
I have tested the KingRex T20U both with the standard switching PSU and the partnering PSU MKII, which promises to make it reach primacy in the listening quality: a development of the T-Amp? |
| 13.04.2012 |
The RI-100 has the inborn capacity of preserving every single instrument, almost guiding it into a precise, marked and correctly recreated scenic context. It is easy to read also the instruments in the background hidden inside the instrumental amalgam. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 10.04.2012 |
Second Chapter of the Onix saga. A product that, in its look and essence, confirms the initial considerations in terms of elegance and good manufacture. |
| 25.03.2012 |
An integrated amp, a dedicated headphone amp and a tube preamplifier in a small gear at an entry-level price. Such products open the market to new categories of lovers of the good sound. |
| 22.02.2012 |
Delightfully, this historic brand of amplification makes a comeback in the limelight of the great sound: when British sound, Chinese production and Italian intuition give their best. |
| 11.02.2012 |
The phono preamplifier is the most important object in the analogue chain and, with a cost of little more than one thousand euro, the Bakoon EQA-11 has few competitors indeed. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 14.01.2012 |
The Special Edition is an “improved” version of the Audiozen Mantra phono preamplifier that pursues the purity, the immediacy of the act, the absence of afterthoughts, but also the absolute concentration on what to do. |
| 23.12.2011 |
The passive preamplifier is a very simple and functional machine that pays serious attention to the quality of the single component present along the signal path: the potentiometer. |
| 01.12.2011 |
The resolution of making at home the transformers has been a forced choice for Trafomatic, so I warn you: if you opt for Trafomatic, you are going to choose a unique amplification. The same thing arose a couple of years ago when you had to decide for expensive Japanese amplifications. |
| 06.11.2011 |
Leben follows an alternative path that aims to a target of musical research instead of looking for an exclusive circuital choice or a particular passive component. A research that is not standardized in a modern audiophile world where everything seems to perform in a uniform or at least alike way. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 27.10.2011 |
Hirtel's brand has been recognized and praised by Saul Marantz who said, after having visited the factory, that Hirtel is at the same level of the most qualified American and Japanese production. |
| 15.10.2011 |
Three-chassis amplification can be considered a goal for every audiophile enthusiast. AM Audio B-80 monoblocks are a clear example of this commitment. An Italian example of technical exercise entirely dedicated to pursue a sound that respects the original audio signal. |
| 24.09.2011 |
Designing an OTL that works, and good, it is not that simple. The S.I. Audio Cult/I amp shows how much can be made with clear ideas. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 20.09.2011 |
I find this amplifier very interesting from a listening point of view. It has shown a great synergy with the other components of my home system and without requiring any change in the set-up. |
| 14.07.2011 |
I think that the OTL technology, if properly made, can put together the purity and the transparency of the single-ended triodes with the power of the transistors, and the result is a splendid blending between dynamic force and naturalness in the emission. |
| 30.06.2011 |
If you want to catch the nuances and the outstanding parameters, such as the harmonic rendering, the correctness of the tone, the reconstruction of the musical soundstage, maybe a transformer preamplifier could be the panacea and, in the case of the Zanden Model 3000, the end of all games. You cannot just start all over again! |
| 28.06.2011 |
Power supply, final stage, and circuitry: there are different ways to design and make a solid-state amplifier. Then there is Nelson Pass's way. |
by Paolo | Di Marcoberardino |
| 10.06.2011 |
It is quite impossible to find at the same price products with the same sound quality of the P88i. |
| 07.06.2011 |
Most phono preamps, in comparison with the King, seem to be a bit phony, affected and artificial, somehow even electrified and noisy: maybe they can embellish, underline something, but finally they appear less natural. You realize that by reconnecting the King to your system. |
| 31.05.2011 |