Have you ever heard of the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor, Wife Approval Factor, or Wife Appeal Factor)? They are design elements that increase the likelihood that a partner or wife will approve the purchase of expensive electronics products and their permanent entrance in the listening room (if someone has one) or in the nice living room. First of all, I would like to precise a couple of things: there are audiophile women that love high-fidelity as well as their partners and the WAF’s problem does not exist. Then, there are partners – and this is my case – that goes along with their man wishes without protesting if in the corridor there are three pairs of loudspeakers or if they stumble in the cables. Besides, I would add that I am not fond of hi-fi, but I love music and the chance of listening to it at best. I also love technology, streaming music or watching a film with a good home theatre system. Any compromise? Not at all. A house full of music is a lively house. A fully lived interest makes life worth experiencing and if your partner, when you ask him, supports your passions, well, there are no problems. My passions are the roman history, the languages and the cats. The first one is pursued daily because I live in Rome close to the Colosseum and just few steps outside my door I can breathe millenniums of history and walk with my group and our expert guides. I practice languages making translations for ReMusic and every piece is a challenge. When you find some mistakes well, consider that I do not know anything of technical aspects. Besides, you can travel to visit the hi-fi shows, meet many people and find out new places. Travelling and meeting new people are the salt of life. Pepper is the love spiced with good music. Pepper is one of our cats, rather Sgt. Pepper to pay homage to the Beatles that have been with me since I was three and heard for the first time the LP A hard day’s night.
Thanks to my splendid partner of life, that makes all my days pleasant, stimulating and musical.
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