New Auris Audio Euterpe


Press release | Auris Audio presents you Euterpe, a new high end headphone amplifier. According to the Greek Mythology, Euterpe was one of the nine Muses, the Goddess of music and a ''giver of delight'' and that's exactly what Auris Audio Euterpe will bring to audiophile community, more happiness.
Auris Audio Euterpe
Designed in a single ended configuration, integreted audiophile asynchronous DAC xMos/ESS Sabre, it allows you to use digital sources such as PC or mobile devices. Integeted in a piece of art chassis, Euterpre Headphones amplifier/DAC/PreAmp/Stand gives you everything you've always dreamed of.

Auris Audio headphone amplifiers have the original mechanical and electric conception which result in the high end sound quality. Deep sound-stage, great tonality and top level of dynamics are the main features of Auris headphone amplifiers.

Auris Audio Euterpe
Tehnical specification
Tubes: 2 x PL 95, 1 x ECC 81
Amplifier configuration: single ended
Power output: 0.9 W RMS
Conversion rate USB: DSD 64, DSD 128, PCM max 32bit/384kHz
Output impedance: Low 3 –80 ohm / High > 150 ohm
Power supply: 115 / 230 V AC
Inputs: 1 x USB, 1 x RCA
Outputs: 6.3 mm Stereo / RCA Pre Out
Dimensions WxLxH: mm 270 x 210 x 230
Weight: kg 4.1/NET without PSU

Dimesions PSU WxLxH: mm 95 x 185 x 55
Weight: kg PSU 1.1/NET


For further info: to the Auris Audio website

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