When you think about the greatest guitarists, the names that come to mind are always the same: Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, Vaughan and Guy for blues, Montgomery, Hall, Metheny, Frisell, etc... for jazz, Di Meola, McLaughlin, De Lucia for other styles. I recall such names easily, but among them there should be a place for the Norwegian Terje Rypdal.
In his career he has moved along different musical genres and has produced several valuable works. In 1985, together with the drummer Audun Kleive and the bassist Bjørn Kjellemyr, he issued the album Chaser where, among very interesting tracks, which hinted to his future musical developments, there was the piece Ørnen. Six minutes and eighteen seconds of music, with only three instruments performing. A music that should deserve the front page photo of the big universal book of masterpieces.
Terje Rypdal
Total Time 45:00