Press release | We'd like you to think of Signature 5 as a much more expensive speaker. Anyone can build a 999.- EUR speaker. But not anyone can build Signature 5. Compare it to speaker four times the price and Signature 5 still wins on its unique musical touch and big sound. We have designed the drive units and carefully chosen the materials. We have tested everything over and over again and fine-tuned a perfectly balanced sound. We've done this for 40 years. It's hard to beat experience. Visit a dealer and listen to Signature 5 with your own ears and compare it to more expensive speakers from other brands. Contact our support here if you have questions. We reply within 3 days - also if you're searching for the nearest dealer. P.S. Signature 5 is a member of Signature, our new family of surprisingly affordable speakers.
For further info: to System Audio website
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